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top 5 signs a girl has fallen in love with a man

Top 5 Signs A Girl Has Fallen In Love With A Man

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1, She Laughs at Your Jokes

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True story: While women love funny guys, they also think that guys they like are funny. Either way, if she’s laughing at your jokes, that’s a clear sign that she likes you.

2, She Asks If You Have a Girlfriend

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This is pretty much a direct hit: A girl who isn’t interested in you doesn’t care if you have a girlfriend or not. If she asks about your girlfriend, she’s into. Another variant of this is saying how weird it is that you’re single. Why is it weird? Because you’re awesome and she would love to date someone like you, that’s why.

3, She Keeps Making Eye Contact

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People who aren’t interested in you don’t make eye contact. They look somewhere else — most likely around the room in search of someone else to talk to. On the other hand, if she’s hanging on your every word, she’s not doing it to spare your feelings. Whether it’s a coworker or that girl at the deli, if she’s really into everything you say, feel free to go ahead and ask her out.

4, She Has Heavy Positive Body Language
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When we say “positive body language” at The Art of Charm, that means the degree to which someone is facing you. People generally speak to one another with their bodies angled in some way or another. The more a person is angled toward you, the more “positive” is their body language, the more interested they are in what you’re saying and you in general. When you’re speaking a woman and she’s almost always angled toward you (or even better, facing you dead on) that’s one of the signs a girl likes you.

5, She Initiates Contact

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Is she initiating contact with you? Again, she’s not doing it to spare your feelings. One of the easiest ways to get someone out of your life that you don’t want in it is to stop contacting them. Think about it: This is something that you’ve done at least once in your life. On the other hand, if someone is always initiating contact with you, that’s one of the sure signs a girl likes you, and a cue for you to ask her out on that date.
